List View Layouts

List view layouts allow you to provide custom angular views to be used by the list view UI. By default there are two build in layouts, FluidityTableListViewLayout which displays results in a tablular layout and FluidityGridListViewLayout which displays results in a tiled grid layout.

Defining a list view layout

To define a list view layout you create a class that inherits from the base class FluidityListViewLayout and implements the abstract configuration properties.

// Example
public class MyCustomListViewLayout : FluidityListViewLayout
    public override string Name => "My Custom List";

    public override string Alias => "mycustomlist";

    public override string Icon => "icon-list";

    public override string View => "/app_plugins/myplugin/views/mycustomlist.html";

The required configuration options are:

  • Name: The name of the layout.
  • Alias: A unique alias for the bulk action.
  • Icon: An icon to display in the list view layouts dropdown.
  • View: The path of the angular view to load by the list view.

As well as defining the list view layout class you will also need to implement the relevant angular view and controller. This is a little out of scope for the Fluidity documentation, however in summary you will want to:

  • Create a plugin folder in the root app_plugin folder.
  • Create a package.manifest file in your plugin folder.
  • Create a html view to be loaded.
  • Create an angular controller to control the view.
  • Hook up the controller with the view using the ng-controller attribute.
  • Add the controller js file path to the package.manifest.
  • Build your custom logic.

Changing the list view layout of a list view

A list view layout is assigned to a list view as part of the list view configuration. See List View API Documentation for more info.