
Fluidity fires a number of standard .NET events during regular operation to allow for extending of the default behavour.

Repository events

SavingEntity(object sender, SavingEntityEventArgs args)

Raised when the repository Save method is called and before the entity has been saved. The args param contains an Entity property with Before and After inner properties providing access to a copy of the currently persisted entity (or null if a new entity) and the updated entity about to be saved. Changes can be made to the After entity and they will be persisted as part of the save opperation. If the Cancel property of args is set to true then the save operation will be canceled and no changes will be saved.

// Example
Fluidity.SavingEntity += (sender, args) => {
    var person = args.Entity.After as Person;
    if (person != null){

SavedEntity(object sender, SavedEntityEventArgs args)

Raised when the repository Save method is called and after the entity has been saved. The args param contains an Entity property with Before and After inner properties providing access to a copy of the previously persisted entity (or null if a new entity) and the updated entity just saved.

// Example
Fluidity.SavedEntity += (sender, args) => {
    var person = args.Entity.After as Person;
    if (person != null){

DeletingEntity(object sender, DeletingEntityEventArgs args)

Raised when the repository Delete method is called and before the entity is deleted. The args param contains an Entity property providing access to a copy of the entity about to be deleted. If the Cancel property of args is set to true then the delete operation will be canceled and entity won’t be deleted.

// Example
Fluidity.DeletingEntity += (sender, args) => {
    var person = args.Entity as Person;
    if (person != null){

DeletedEntity(object sender, DeletedEntityEventArgs args)

Raised when the repository Delete method is called and after the entity has been deleted. The args param contains an Entity property providing access to a copy of the entity just deleted.

// Example
Fluidity.DeletedEntity += (sender, args) => {
    var person = args.Entity as Person;
    if (person != null){