Bulk Actions

Bulk actions provides an API to perform bulk operations from within a list view UI.

Defining a bulk action

To define a bulk action you create a class that inherits from the base class FluidityBulkAction and implements the abstract configuration properties.

// Example
public class DeleteBulkAction : FluidityBulkAction
    public override string Name => "Delete";

    public override string Alias => "delete";

    public override string Icon => "icon-trash";

    public override string AngularServiceName => "fluidityDeleteBulkActionService";

The required configuration options are:

  • Name: The name of the bulk action.
  • Alias: A unique alias for the bulk action.
  • Icon: An icon to display next to the name in the bulk action button.
  • AngularServiceName: The name of the registered angular service to delegate the bulk action to.

Defining a bulk action angular service

The actual logic for a bulk action needs to be encapsulated in an angular service with the following signature:

(function () {

    'use strict';

    function fluidityDeleteBulkAction(fluidityResource) {

        return {
            performAction: function(section, collection, id) {
                return fluidityResource.deleteEntity(section, collection, id);

            getConfirmMessage: function (count) {
                return "Are you sure you want to delete " + count + " items?";

            getProgressMessage: function(count, total) {
                return count + " of " + total + " items deleted";

            getCompleteMessage: function(total) {
                return total + " items successfully deleted";



    angular.module("umbraco.services").factory("fluidityDeleteBulkActionService", fluidityDeleteBulkAction);


The required service methods are:

  • performAction(section, collection, id) Should perform the bulk action to the current item identified with the id parameter.

The optional service methods are:

  • getConfirmMessage(count) Should return a string to display as the confirmation message before the bulk action is performed. A generic default message will be used if no getConfirmMessage method is defined.
  • getProgressMessage(count, total) Should return a string to display as the progress message whilst the bulk action is running. A generic default message will be used if no getProgressMessage method is defined.
  • getCompleteMessage(total) Should return a string to display as the complete message once the bulk action has finished running. A generic default message will be used if no getCompleteMessage method is defined.

You’ll need to ensure your angular service as well as any resources needed by your service are loaded before it can be used. This is a bit out of scope for the Fluidity documentation, however in summary you will want to:

  • Create a plugin folder in the root app_plugin folder.
  • Create a package.manifest file in your plugin folder.
  • Add the service js file path to the package.manifest.

Adding a bulk action to a list view

Bulk actions are added to a list view as part of the list view configuration. See List View API documentation for more info.